
Harmonia currently offers MTB music exams. These are video recorded exams which means that pupils can take the exam when they're absolutely ready instead of having to aim towards a particular dates. Pupils are able to re-record if they wish, selecting the best one to submit for marking. Recordings can be made during lessons using a high quality digital recorder for optimum sound quality. 

Pupils may use appropriate pieces from ANY exam board or book, and these can be preapproved by MTB to ensure they are of a suitable level. This means we can use the best books from all publishers without being restricted to one syllabus.  

Each exam has to be a single continuous video recording of the pupil playing 3 pieces, technical exercises, scales and arpeggios, reading skills, and a choice of listening skills or a duet with Kirsty. 

It's very important that pupils are able to recover swiftly from any slips and present a confident performance. No speaking is needed, but teachers are allowed to give aural prompts for the technical elements eg "F major scale tongued". 


Recital section (3 pieces)   60 marks   - examiners look for good rhythm and pitch control, phrasing, a range of dynamics, plus sense of style

  (accuracy 6 marks, expression 7 marks, technique 7 marks for each piece)

Technical section  25 marks   - these should be fluent, prompt (no hesitancy) and evenly played with good breath control

Musicianship section 15 marks    - confidently clapped rhythm reading (7 marks), plus either a duet or listening skills (8 marks)

Total: 100 marks        (87–100 Distinction      75–86 Merit             60–74 Pass)


No pupil HAS to do exams, but many like to complete them as a marker of their progress. It is not necessary to do all exams, so pupils often skip grades so they progress more quickly. Kirsty will always let you know when your child is ready for an exam and you will have the option to choose a "Harmonia Grade" if you prefer, where Kirsty will provide a certificate to reward the pupil for their achievements, without the cost of a real exam.